Foot reflexology allows the possibility of observing the feet and drawing important indications on a psychosomatic level, on the state of health or illness.

When both the body and the psyche are in balance, the feet demonstrate health through various signals located in the toes, on the back and above all in the sole of the foot.

The operator observes the shape of the foot, the color and consistency of tissues, muscles and joints, relating them to the clues resulting from the analysis of the person’s expressive and behavioral forms, which contribute to assigning the individual to a biotype instead of another.

In the study of biotypologies, the term biotype indicates a group of people having the same genetic constitution, as per the research and studies of Hippocrates and Galen first and of Martiny later.

In psychosomatic investigation, a unitary vision of the person is recognised, without separation between the psychic component, of which the mind and emotions are part, and the physical component, i.e. the body.

There is no distinction between body and mind, therefore every emotion can be considered part of matter.

Our body has the feet as its support and foundation, similar to roots inserted into the ground and due to the force of gravity, it is spontaneous and natural to consider this a factor of psychological stability.

<<The feet have psychologically vital importance, because they are the contact with reality, the ground and gravity. Physically, an imbalance of the feet upsets the balance of the total structure>> (W.Schutz) .

The feet indicate the attitude that the individual takes in space, to face life: popular sayings such as “he has his feet on the ground”, to indicate a sense of reality and solidity, or “to tread carefully” , or with prudence and circumspection, or “he has his head in the clouds”, synonymous with detachment from reality and an imaginative attitude, are metaphors that confirm the close connection between body and mind.

The psychosomatic plantar posture represents a form of non-verbal communication with other people and with the surrounding environment, which is also called “body language” or “gestures”.

The attitude derives mainly from this rooting in the soil, which differs based on the particular morphology of the foot and toes; in this way we will have the distinction between flat foot, hollow foot, talus, etc.

In addition to rooting, depending on the type of foot we will have distinct postures of the hips and legs during the walking process, then recognizing phenomena such as “valgus” or “varus”.

The different supports of the soles of the feet will inevitably lead to different balances in the forces at play, on the stresses on the various areas of the sole of the foot, which will correspond to distinct reflections on the various organs and areas of the body.

<<If life is a set of reflexes, Plantar Reflexology is based on the very sources of life>> (N.Gentile) .

If we do not maintain our health correctly when we have it, sooner or later we will be forced to take action, facing situations of suffering and drastic interventions that are not always completely effective; hence the saying “prevention is better than cure”.

Nature gives us balance from both a psychic and somatic point of view, also called homeostasis.

When all prevention and health preservation practices are not implemented, to recover this balance it is useful and desirable to use natural medicine to complement conventional medicine.

Plantar Reflexology has undoubted preventive and psychosomatic rebalancing qualities and is fully included in the practices included in natural medicine.

The application of psychosomatic parameters pursues three main objectives:

1) Relaxation: stress is often a symptom linked to significant physical ailments and ailments;

2) Toxin detoxification: when the body is intoxicated, serious impairments of the metabolic functions of the organs occur;

3) Energy rebalancing: the alteration of the energy balance causes a decompensation in the affected organ or system, such as to induce a situation of crisis and danger.

The targeted and conscious manipulation of the reflex points favors the optimal rebalancing of the various areas of the body-mind, promoting the improvement of numerous disorders and diseases.