The characteristic of preventing pathological situations and resolving functional situations is inherent in the definition of Plantar Reflexology.

It is considered an art because, in addition to technique and experience, it also involves the operator’s capacity for intuition and empathy and his sensitivity, for the optimal relationship with the recipient.

Plantar Reflexology deals, like other holistic disciplines, with man seen as a microcosm.

The holistic concept is expressed by taking into consideration the human organism in its entirety, meaning that it is of greater importance than the sum of its parts.

With Plantar Reflexology we use this concept which leads to evaluating our body in its complexity, keeping in mind the emotional, psychic and physical components, in continuous interaction with the spirit on the one hand and the external environment with its evident influences, on the other.

The operator also observes the physiognomic aspect of the foot, identifying the signals recorded in the past and those emerging in the present, to facilitate guidance in the massage.

The sense of touch is indispensable for humans and becomes even more important during a massage.

Tactile communication remains an essential function, although man has developed other forms, such as written and spoken language.

The nerve receptors present on the skin send an immense amount of external information such as cold, heat, tickling, pain to the brain and allow the transmission of different patterns of bio-chemical communication through the nervous system.

Through touch we express physical contact in many social situations, such as shaking hands, hugging, caressing, kissing, etc.

Therefore the contact of the operator’s hands with the recipient’s feet, in addition to an energetic and electromagnetic connection, has an exchange and transmission function.

The feet are physiologically very rich in nerve endings, which are in close communication through the brain, with the various organs and sectors of the body.

The different dysfunctions of these sectors manifest themselves in the feet in the various reflex points, signaling the state of health.

The correct manipulation of these areas of the foot achieves the objective of stimulating and subsequently restoring homeostasis at the level of the relevant organ.

This gives us the possibility of eliminating various disorders such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, stress and constipation, for which otherwise drugs would only be prescribed by conventional medicine.

This technique has no appreciable contraindications and through the visual investigation prior to the treatment, previous disorders and at the same time the person’s current state of health are ascertained, thus also transforming it into a valid prevention tool.

In Foot Reflexology the periphery represents the centre, so by treating the feet we can reach the affected organ, with a holistic and absolutely non-invasive value, with surprising positive results.