Monica Bianchi

Shiatsu and Traditional Chinese Medicine

No matter how great the imbalance is, it almost always contains the ability to return to a state of equilibrium.

Therefore, if only one is able to recognize the type of imbalance and give a small stimulus to that possibility of recovery, the body is capable of returning to a healthy state on its own.

This is called natural or innate healing power and is, along with dynamic balance, one of the specific properties of Life.”

(Shizuto Masunaga)

Meridians are famous, especially because they are part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) healing system: meridians for healing the body and emotions.

This is its most popular use.

The tendon meridians are used to support the body and the ordinary ones to properly nourish the organs and represent the personal energy system (6 levels).

Furthermore, the extraordinary meridians are harmonized to have abundant energy reserves: in fact, deficits give rise to numerous pathologies that can become chronic.

During Shiatsu treatments, pressure is exerted on the meridian points, promoting the harmonious flow of QI, vital energy, to achieve psychophysical well-being.

#meridians #mtc #qi #shiatsu #wellbeing

<<The distance allowed between two people, who are not related by kinship or emotionally involved, is generally regulated by social norms.

For example, the distance between a doctor and his patient is regulated by the doctor’s type of specialization, while strangers only shake hands.

In Shiatsu, the ideal treatment space between operator and receiver must be “conquered” through the communicative capacity of the operator>>

Monica Bianchi



Chinese traditional medicine

It is not possible to talk about the treatment of mental and emotional problems, without first analyzing the concept of mind and spirit in Chinese medicine. Only by understanding the concept of mind and spirit in Chinese culture, can we truly understand how to treat such disharmonies, with acupuncture and phytotherapy. One must be careful not to interpret the Chinese concepts of ‘mind’ and ‘spirit’ in terms of Western concepts.

When the five Shen are ‘nourished’ in a broad sense, profound mental-emotional changes occur, regardless of the patterns. This especially applies to acupuncture. We tend to use acupuncture to nurture the five Shen and herbal medicine to treat patterns”.

(Giovanni Maciocia)

Monica Bianchi

Chinese traditional medicine


The Ten Ancient Needles of Wang Le Ting.

Wang Le Ting was convinced that the basis for good health, was having strong digestion and he applied this 10-needle treatment with his patients who had chronic diseases, regardless of the signs and symptoms they had. He formulated the following treatment, based on the theories of Li Dong Yuan’s Pi Wei Lun (Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach).

These 10 needles are:

13 Ren Mai (Shang Wan): located 5 CUN above the navel.

12 Ren Mai (Zhong Wan): located 4 CUN above the navel.

10 Ren Mai (Xia Wan): located 2 CUN above the navel.

6 Ren Mai (Qi Hai): located 1.5 CUN below the navel.

25 Stomach (Tian Shu) punctured bilaterally: located 2 CUN next to the navel.

6 Pericardium (Nei Guan) punctured bilaterally: located 2 CUN above the crease of the wrist, between the two tendons of the palmaris major and minor muscles. • 36 Stomach (Zu San Li) punctured bilaterally: located 3 CUN below 35 E and 1 CUN outside the crest of the tibia.

The specific functions of this formula of points are: regulating the Center, strengthening the Spleen, rectifying the Qi, harmonizing the Blood, ascending the pure Qi, descending the cloudy and regulating Qi, and rectifying the Stomach together with the Intestines. Of all of them, the main points of this formula are 36 E (Zu San Li) and 12 RM (Zhong Wan).

For Wang Le Ting, the use of Moxibustion was an important measure to protect health and nourish life (Yang Shen), since its action warms and tonifies Yang, mobilizes and tonifies Qi and Blood, transforms Dampness, It expels the Cold and rescues the Yang when it is exhausted.

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Fan ci zhi fa, xian bi ben yu shen 凡刺之法先必本于神

Any method of needle insertion must first be rooted in Shen.”

Chapter 8 of the Ling Shu.