lorenzo bonaiuti




First some considerations to frame physiological aspects…

The suboccipital muscles are in close connection with the fascia of the dura mater, forming what is called myodural bridge. The dura mater is the outermost and thickest part (hence the name) of the three meninges, the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. The dura mater is spinal and encephalic; Its spinal part then covers the cord.

The suboccipital muscles are essential for performing combined movements between the eyes and the neck, that is, they actively participate in the COR (ocular cervical) reflex and in the OCG (oculocephalology) neurofunctional pathway, which are those complex automatisms that allow each position of the look. be achieved regardless of body position, maintaining visual stability. There is a direct connection between the cervical spinal dura mater and some muscular and ligamentous structures of the neck, such as the posterior rectus capitis muscle, the nuchal ligament, the inferior oblique capitis muscle, and the posterior rectus capitis muscle.

The optic nerve is abundantly enveloped by the meninges and since the orbital wall houses the dura mater, there is a close connection between these structures.

Any situation that affects the efficiency and balance of movement and contraction at the level of the suboccipital muscles will have repercussions on the extraocular muscles.

Likewise, a problem at the level of the extraocular muscles, or rather their integration at a central level, will involve the suboccipital muscles, altering their correct functioning. Furthermore, the suboccipital area is essential in cranial drainage and it is not uncommon to observe that ocular pressure changes, decreases and normalizes after good work on the base of the skull. For fans of traditional Chinese medicine, it is interesting to see the relationship between Urinary Bladder 1 (acupuncture point where the activity of the oculomotor nerves can normally be palpated/tested) and Urinary Bladder 10, which is located precisely at the level of the suboccipital area. From a more subtle point of view, the relationship between these two points tells us about the central integration, at the level of the little Shen, of what we see and the possibility that we give ourselves to see, to turn our heads and take a direction of gaze, to welcome Heaven, to make what we have experienced/processed a reality.

Not only that… it is known that between the base of the skull, between the craniocervical hinge and the tongue, with its motility and freedom, there is a very close connection. Eye and tongue are connected and both linked to the Windows of Heaven… In traditional Chinese medicine the internal channel of the Heart ends with a branch towards the tongue and another towards the eye: the vitality and light of the gaze express the Heart , his Shen, as well as speech, singing and freedom of language. It is very interesting to study these connections, which have many more implications than this research of mine, which is inevitably partial…

In Shiatsu an excellent technique is used to release the base of the skull, between the occiput and the atlas, at the level of the rectum capitis (and its connections with the dura mater). This technique, despite being born in the craniosacral osteopathic field, related to Shiatsu on a futon, expresses the stability of the operator: the energy center (hara) of the operator is low and rooted, the weight of the head facilitates the necessary pressure, which It is expressed in not doing, waiting, listening. The work focuses on the Governor Vessel 16 acupuncture point, called the “wind palace,” and the Urinary Bladder 10, called the “celestial column.” Yang energy can flow freely and Yin energy can be expressed and the operator intervenes as a facilitator, working with precision and listening. It works by acting with contact at one point, activating global and systemic attention.

(I remind you that it is possible to subscribe for free to the Telegram channel that I created THE THOUGHTS SHOP: Reflections, thoughts, notes of ongoing research, experiences: entering the shop of a shiatsu operator.

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