The human being does not live in separate units with watertight compartments, but in a harmonious dimension between body, mind and soul in a continuous search for balance between themselves.

There is an effective metaphor, represented by an image of the philosopher G.I. Gurdjieff, who explains the interaction between soul, body, mind and emotions; is represented by a passenger in a carriage, directed by a coachman who controls the horses.

In this representation, the passenger is the soul that resides in the carriage (body), directed by the coachman (mind), who in turn commands the horses (emotions).

Every interaction and balance between these actors constitutes and influences the earthly life of every soul, that is, of every person.

The integration between these components, aimed at a constant search for balance, determines the achievement and consequent maintenance of a state of well-being.

During a Shiatsu treatment it is crucial to create a profound relationship between operator and recipient, where both are present in the Here and Now.

The operator will use his own intuition, merging it with the knowledge and experience acquired.

With manual contact we reach a connection with the deepest part of the recipient, which we could call the subconscious, spirit or soul.

This allows us to listen and identify internal disharmonies, which are different from the manifestations of physical or emotional discomfort, which are expressed externally.

Often even the operator, through empathy and vibrational resonance, temporarily senses the same discomforts as the recipient.

Sometimes emotions or temporary physical ailments are also shared, due to the resonance between the vital energies of the two people involved and transferred by the different energy channels of the recipient.

The aim of the treatment is to connect with this deep part of the recipient, allowing the activation of his self-healing resources.

There are also the energy channels defined as “Extraordinary”, identified by the Chinese doctor Li Shi Zhen of the Ming dynasty (1518-1593), which develop early already at the embryonic level, stimulating active behavioral and psychic influences and enclosing within them information that they concern the physical and spiritual differentiation of the person.

That is, what is simultaneously studied and defined by Western medicine as DNA.

Due to these characteristics, they have a close connection with the functionality of the hormonal and nervous system. With Shiatsu treatments, by contacting and activating these meridians, hormonal reactions are restored and the homeostasis of the nervous system is promoted.

At the end of the treatment, the recipient finds himself in a state of profound well-being and relaxation, as if he were waking up from a long restful sleep.

The perception of time during treatment changes, making it seem shorter than what has actually passed, due to the greater intensity and depth of the emotions experienced, compared to a normal period of time.

The feeling of relaxation, peace and tranquility that permeates this experiential situation temporarily slows down the process of returning to mere rational reality, promotes long-term psycho-physical benefits and establishes an awareness of one’s inner self, with profound positive changes in one’s style of life. At the end of the massage it is advisable to interact with the recipient, who is in this state of well-being, by asking questions such as “is everything okay?”, or invite him to spontaneously express any ailment, annoyance, or questions relating to the experience.

All this is necessary to proceed with an elaboration of what has been received for beneficial balance.