Health in old age

In the third phase of our life, it becomes essential to learn to adopt a positive mental attitude towards life.

Psychologically, the elderly person easily becomes depressed and ages poorly, because their time horizon is made up of people around them who age, get sick and die.

With our lifestyle, we often fall into the mistake of hindering or repressing our vitality, preventing its natural flow.

Emotionally, memories of the past arrive, which transform into nostalgia, melancholy and consequently into self-pity and depression.

The problems grow out of all proportion, sometimes becoming insurmountable.

This leads to the use of an excessive request for help from society or the family for objectively marginal situations, or on the contrary to an asocial refusal which tends to isolate the subject and create other additional depressive syndromes.

It is therefore important to commit to seeking a better lifestyle to age in health and well-being, remaining self-sufficient, independent and aware of the confirmation of still being useful to the community.

In recent years, life expectancy has increased significantly; the same cannot be said about health expectancy, i.e. the number of years available in which one can live in a condition of excellent vitality, good health and better quality of life .

To achieve these objectives and significantly increase health expectations, it is necessary to avoid the consumption and loss of strength and vital energy.

According to disciplines such as Yoga, Ancient Ayurvedic Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is possible to considerably slow down aging through correct nutrition, mainly consuming fresh, healthy foods full of vitality, integrating the diet with targeted natural herbal products and using the disciplines of holistic and bionatural well-being such as Shiatsu, Jin Shin Do®, Plantar Reflexology, etc.

Recent statistical investigations state that elderly people are showing ever greater attention to their health conditions, giving relevance to their problems and turning more and more often to holistic operators.

Shiatsu treatment, for example, is of additional importance for achieving optimal health and well-being expectations for the elderly.

Numerous studies have shown that a Shiatsu treatment can significantly reduce pain, anxiety and depression in an elderly person, promoting a pleasant and deep state of relaxation and well-being.

Furthermore, techniques such as Jin Shin Do® constitute a valid support for those who suffer the loss of a loved one, or in all cases in which one is faced with a psychological trauma, even a long-standing one, perhaps crystallized and consolidated by spend some time.

It is also proven that Shiatsu, Jin Shin Do® and Plantar Reflexology are useful for people with reduced mobility or who are bedridden.

Plantar Reflexology treatments help elderly people recover their self-confidence, strengthen their immune defenses, regulate lymphatic and blood metabolism and significantly improve their mood.

Shiatsu is normally practiced on the futon on the floor, but can be easily modified by implementing it on a massage table, in order to adapt it to disabled people or those with reduced mobility.

Consolidated experiences and realities have already been active for several years in various countries, supporting even serious problems, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, up to the point of integrating medical oncological care in post-chemotherapy recovery.

In conclusion, we obviously reiterate the desire not to replace the indispensable conventional approach and the objective of always acting only as a support for traditional medical therapies.