Sexual energy in traditional Chinese medicine:
Sexual desire in men and women is natural, like yin and yang in the universe, and is necessary for the continuation of the human species.
Sexuality lived correctly is the basis of health, abstinence or abuse of sexual energy can be the cause of many diseases.
According to Eastern Medicine, repressing sexual desire would lead to a shortened life and a poor quality of life, so the best solution is to lead a moderate and harmonious sexual life.
The number of relationships is related to age: the younger you are, the greater the chance of having relationships.
Other influencing factors are the amount of vital essence (Jing) accumulated in daily life: that is, balanced diet, good physical activity and a quiet life; If it is Jing (from the later heaven, or acquired before birth by the parents) it will be of quality, for this person regardless of age it will be possible to have good sexual relations.
An example: a 60-year-old man should not have sexual relations but if his health is excellent he should not completely repress his sexuality.
If you abuse sexual energy when you are young and lose a lot of Jing, then your life expectancy is shorter, and vice versa, if you experience moderate sexuality when you are young, you will be able to have sexual relations even to an old age and you will live. a long time.
Sexuality must be lived naturally and without major mental disorders.
The ancient doctors said:
“Whoever wants to live a long time must leave sexuality in the background.”
The conservation and protection of the essence (Jing) must be done from a young age, starting when it is too late.
A very old wise man who walked quickly and was very lucid was asked how he had managed to maintain his health; His response was: “I slept alone for 50 years!!”; Everyone started laughing.
Emotions also have a strong influence on sexuality: if we are not well, we will not experience sexuality naturally and we will consume more essence (Jing).
To emphasize again: weak or sick people should not have sexual relations; to avoid worsening your health conditions.
Even those who are too tired from work or any other cause should not have sex. There are those who use herbal tonics to tone the kidney yang, but since they are hot and dry in nature, over time they damage the yin and then also the yang, causing premature aging.
Dysmenorrhea, here are the Shiatsu points that
relieve menstrual pain
Giovanni Guarin/May 8, 2017
There are natural tools to solve the problem of menstrual pain and they work. That’s the good news, plus the fact that some of them don’t cost anything. There is no bad news, except that if you are reading this article, you are probably part of the group of women who have a painful menstrual cycle.
Menstruation is the system through which the body expels waste caused by the shedding of the uterine wall (endometrium) that had been prepared to house a possible fertilized egg. The contractions that serve to break and expel this wall can be more or less painful.
Stabbing pains and cramps located in the lower abdominal region and sometimes in the lower back, often also associated with nausea, headache, general malaise, increased or decreased appetite, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, breast tenderness , back pain, leg pain, constipation or diarrhea. weight gain, need to eat sweets, irritability.
For some women the pain represents only a “nuisance”, for others the pain is so strong that it makes it difficult to carry out any activity, in these cases we speak of dysmenorrhea.
Primary dysmenorrhea appears approximately 6/12 months after the first menstruation (menarche) and then tends to regress over the years.
Secondary dysmenorrhea is caused by pathologies of the genital system. It appears later and can begin to appear even at 30-40 years of age, in women who have not suffered from it before.
Some slight discomfort during your period is absolutely normal, but when the pain is strong and persistent it is always advisable to consult a specialist.
In both cases, there are natural methodologies that help relieve pain and, in the absence of organic causes, lower it to tolerable levels. They are tools with which good results can be achieved, especially when combined with each other.
It helps a lot to reduce, if not avoid, dairy products and derivatives, refined grains and white sugar, beef and veal (which often contain hormones) and animal fats.
Legumes, cereals, nuts, fish, leafy vegetables and prunes are recommended. Millet, buckwheat and dried apricots provide magnesium, zinc and other very useful mineral salts along with serotonin precursors that relax and improve mood.
Habits and lifestyles:
It is very useful to massage the abdominal muscles when the pain is severe to reduce muscle tension. The use of Rescue Remedy cream (Bach flowers) during abdominal massage represents a relaxing and balancing remedy to relieve pain and muscle tension.
Even a brisk walk, if possible in green areas, will have a balancing effect on muscles, circulation and lymphatic drainage. In addition to inducing the production of endorphins, which have analgesic action.
And maybe on the grass we can practice some yoga positions. To find relief from menstrual pain we can alternate some simple exercises, they are very easy positions, to hold for a few minutes while you “work” to relax the entire body and breathe harmoniously. :
Cat, Marjariasana: get on all fours, placing your hands, knees and feet on the floor; hands are shoulder-width apart, arms extended, shoulders relaxed and aligned with hands; The knees are in line with the pelvis. Inhaling slowly, arch your spine, exhaling, relax.
Child, Balasana: kneel on the floor and sit back on your heels. As you exhale, lower your chest to your thighs and rest your arms along your torso, palms facing up. Hold for 1-2 minutes trying to relax areas that feel tight with each exhale.
Butterfly, Baddha Konasana: sitting on the floor with your back straight, bend your knees, bringing the soles of your feet together. Swing your legs like the wings of a butterfly, repeat 10 times and then gently dissolve the position.
Chinese traditional medicine:
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, dysmenorrhea is generally due to an imbalance of Chong Mai and Ren Mai, two extraordinary meridians that regulate and govern Yin/Yang.
While the traditional meridians (Zang Fu) in energy deficit are the Spleen (and Stomach), Kidney and Liver.
From the etiological point of view, the most frequent causes are:
Emotional Imbalances: Some feelings, especially anger, if suppressed for too long cause a knotting of the Liver Qi, resulting in blood stagnation. Exposure to perverse energies such as cold and humidity, as well as a diet that is too “cold” during the cycle. According to the Taoist diet, the type of cooking also influences the intrinsic characteristic of each food, making it more or less “spicy.” They range from “cold” without cooking < to boiling < steam cooking < oven, grill, frying < to the maximum heat given by fried foods, where in addition to the high temperature, dynamic energy is imposed on the food due to continuous movement. Given the type of cooking and emphasizing that the yin/yang or hot/cold properties are not absolute but relative, we can very generally consider fatty meats, fats in general, seafood, onion, garlic as hotter foods. , fennel, pumpkin, parsley. , quinoa, oats, rice, chestnuts, walnuts, pistachios, berries, berries in general, spicy spices such as thyme, cardamom, cloves, fennel seeds, anise, marjoram, cumin, cinnamon, juniper, rosemary, black pepper, chilli and ginger ,
Excessive fatigue, energy deficit in a broad sense, both constitutional and after serious or debilitating illnesses, which weaken especially the Spleen and Stomach, with the consequent deterioration of the “source of acquisition” and a deficient supply of Qi and Blood to Chong and Ren Mai. .
High number of pregnancies, repeated abortions or sexual excesses that weaken the kidneys and liver. (“Roberto Gatto, Carlo Di Stanislao”)
Chinese Medicine provides a symptomatic treatment with essentially analgesic action, which is applied during the menstrual period. Acupressure points can be treated with acupressure, or with Shiatsu and/or with moxa (but in this case you must be a qualified operator to do so). which has a toning action on energetically deficient points.
You can intervene on these points with simple pressure from the thumb, pressure that becomes more effective when it is not invasive and when applied with intention and with a certain “perpendicularity” that guarantees a relaxed and connected touch.
These are some useful points for auto-Shiatsu :
Spleen 6 and 10: Spleen 6 is located approximately 4 finger widths from the tip of the medial malleolus, immediately posterior to the edge of the tibia. Spleen 10 is located in the center of the depression of the vastus medialis muscle approximately two fingers above the superior border of the patella.
Liver 3: between the big toe and the second toe, approximately two fingers from the edge of the interdigital membrane.